
Guest on Breakthrough Business Strategies Radio

I'm looking forward to to being on Michele Price‘s Breakthrough Business Strategies Radio show on February 14, 2011. During the the show I'm excited to be able to discuss all things Internet marketing related with a strong focus on topics covered in my book "The Last Original Idea - A Cynic's View of Internet Marketing".
The Breakthrough Business Strategies Radio is a popular weekly broadcast over the Internet that has featured famous business authors such as Tony Hsieh of Zapposauthor of “Flip the Funnel” Joseph Jaffe, and author of “UnMarketing” Scott Stratten.  The broadcast gives listeners the chance to ask the experts questions in advance as well as tweet them out during the live broadcast.
Michele herself is no newbie to social media and is a peer who has amassed a lot of success in both speaking as well as consulting not only on social media but also on one’s personal or business online presence.
The theme of my show with Michele will be based around "The Last Original Idea" which is a light hearted look at the world of Internet marketing where too many people think just because the technology is new, that the concept has never been done before.

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